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Supplement 10 Kit for Dissimilar Metal Weld Specimen The kits are manufactured to meet the minimum requirements of ASME boiler & pressure vessel code, Secion XI, Appendix VIII, of Supplement 3. Specimens: SS/CS Welded Piping (4" Sch 80 x 24"L x 360° Seg.) SS/CS Welded Piping (6" Sch 160 x 24"L x 360° Seg.) SS/CS Welded Piping (8" Sch 80 x 24"L x 360° Seg.) SS/CS Welded Piping (12" Sch 80s x 24"L x 180° Seg.) SS/CS Welded Piping (24" Sch 80s x 24"L x 90° Seg.) Geometry: Kit contains 5, 22 Unflawed Units, 15 Flawed Units. At least 50% of the cracks will be coincident with fabricated conditions such as ground & "as-welded" crowns, counter bores & weld root conditions. Flaw depths will range from the 10-30% through the 61-100% depth ranges as specified in ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII.
Supplement 2 Kit for Austenitic Piping Flaw Specimen The kits are manufactured to meet the minimum requirements of ASME boiler & pressure vessel code, Secion XI, Appendix VIII, of Supplement 2. Geometry: Stainless Steel Welded Piping (2" Sch 80 x 24"L x 360° Seg.) Stainless Steel Welded Piping (4" Sch 80 x 24"L x 360° Seg.) Stainless Steel Welded Piping (6" Sch 160 x 24"L x 360° Seg.) Stainless Steel Welded Piping (12" Sch 80s x 24"L x 360° Seg.) Stainless Steel Welded Piping (24" Sch 80s x 24"L x 120° Seg.) Material: 5 stainless steel specimens. 22 Unflawed Units, 10 Flawed Units. At least 50% of the cracks will be coincident with fabricated conditions such as ground & "as-welded" crowns, counter bores & weld root conditions. Flaw depths will range from the 10-30% through the 61-100% depth ranges as specified in ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII. All flaws will be mechanical fatigue or thermal fatigue cracks with at least 75% of the cracks being thermal fatigue.
Supplement 3 Kit for Ferritic Piping Flaw Specimen The kits are manufactured to meet the minimum requirements of ASME boiler & pressure vessel code, Secion XI, Appendix VIII, of Supplement 3. Geometry: Carbon Steel Welded Piping (2" Sch 80 x 24"L x 360° Seg.) Carbon Steel Welded Piping (4" Sch 80 x 24"L x 360° Seg.) Carbon Steel Welded Piping (6" Sch 160 x 24"L x 360° Seg.) Carbon Welded Piping (12" Sch 80s x 24"L x 360° Seg.) Carbon Steel Welded Piping (24" Sch 80s x 24"L x 120° Seg.) Material: 5 Carbon Steel specimens. 22 Unflawed Units, 10 Flawed Units. At least 50% of the cracks will be coincident with fabricated conditions such as ground & "as-welded" crowns, counter bores & weld root conditions.
NdeTech was established in 2012 as NDT based company. Our portfolio spans across industrial services and manufacturing sectors. NdeTech was established as an NDT& NDE Reference Standards and flawed weld specimens manufacturing company, and NDT Training Certification, Recruitment Consultant for Inspection Industries provider to cater to the requirements of various industries in India as well as abroad..
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