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and Equipment Development Companies in Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation industries.
And Counting.
Programming And Storage Facilities For All Parameters. Reduce Human Error Factors & Less Physical Strain On Welders Especially On Long Welding/Cladding Process.
Also, We Can Develop Customized Solutions That Meet The Specific Needs Of Our Customers.
To Serve All Kind Of NDT&E Reference Standard Both Standard And Customized.
The flat bottom hole FBH
We would like to introduce our proud product NDT flawed specimens or Welded Validation Specimens. Flawed specimens for Level II Training, practice, and Qualification i.e. ASNT-TC-1A, PCN, BS EN ISO 9712, API, and others owing to the rich industrial experience, we are involved in manufacturing a wide assortment of Flawed Specimen. Offered Flawed Specimen are used for Practical procedures, Personnel Qualification, and Equipment Development we, NDE TECH manufacturer of Flawed Specimens in the Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation industry, Pioneering many well recognized 'Industry standard flaw manufacture and implanting techniques for welded flaw specimens or welded validation specimens.
Reference Standard For the NDT Industry We will strive to be the facility of choice by continuously improving our services and products. We will provide quality workmanship and competitive pricing that meet our customer's expectations. We have a worldwide reputation for providing High-Quality reference standards for NDT industries, to a Vast range of industries-petro-chemical, nuclear electric, Off-shore, rail, power generation, mining, gas, construction, foundries, and General Engineering. Our 24 Hour-Seven Days a Week NDT Products Service ensures that We're Always Available To Our Customers.
Conventional NDT UT MT PT RT VT ET/ Advanced NDT DR PAUT TOFD EMAT LRUT AUT Training Examination Validation Demonstration or Qualification Specimens. All Kind of NDT Calibration Blocks, Calibration Standards and Reference standards And Custom Design.
NDT Flawed Specimens-Welded Flaw Specimen Flawed specimens contain purposely induced real flaws which are accurately sized and located. Each specimen is supplied with documentatio
Paut And Tofd Calibration Block-PHASED ARRAY TEST BLOCK Calibration Block is used during the initial setup and calibration of a phased array ultrasonic unit. This block can be use
Vacuum Box for Weld Inspection Vacuum box testing is a non-destructive examination used when trying to locate weld seam leaks. A vacuum box and a compressor create a high or low-p
Magnetic Particle Test Block-MPT MT MPI Magnetic particle Inspection is a non-destructive testing process for detecting surface and shallow subsurface discontinuities in ferromagn
NDT Calibration Blocks-Ultrasonic Test Blocks Calibration Blocks, or Reference Blocks, should be used in every application to calibrate test equipment and levels of sensitivity. W
NDE TECH adds EDM notches to your custom NDT calibration blocks. Your pre-machined calibration blocks get EDM notches according to your specifications or standards such as ASTM, AS
Test Blocks and Calibration Test Blocks are essential for all NDT inspections. We offer a full range of Eddy Current (ECT) Test Blocks and hold plenty in stock for those times when
Eddy Current Calibration Tube Standards Calibration Standards for tube inspections Our experience in dealing with all simulated flaws from EDMs notches to thinning and expansions
ADS Browse our products to find the best one for you, If you have any queries please contact our experts via Mail immediately! Our Knowledgeable Customer Service Staff Is Happy To Assist you.
NdeTech was established in 2012 as NDT based company. Our portfolio spans across industrial services and manufacturing sectors. NdeTech was established as an NDT& NDE Reference Standards and flawed weld specimens manufacturing company, and NDT Training Certification, Recruitment Consultant for Inspection Industries provider to cater to the requirements of various industries in India as well as abroad..
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