Phased-Array-Navships-Test-Block-Stainless-Steel-Inch-Versiontest Phased Array Navships Test Block Stainless Steel (Inch Version)-Time-of-flight diffraction ultrasonics

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Phased Array Navships Test Block Stainless Steel (Inch Version)

Price: $0.00
  • Part Number : NDETECH-7109
  • Availability : In Stock


PAUT-Navships Test Block Stainless Steel (Inch Version)

This special Phased Array version of the popular NAVSHIPS block solves the problem of too many holes interfering with one another.

Geometry: The block contains four holes at 3/64" diameter drilled through the 1.250" width.

The holes are located at .250, .750, 1.250, 1.750, 2.250, and 2.750".

Dimensions: 1.250" wide x 3.000" tall x 12.00" long.

Material: Stainless Steel