DAC-GSET-Eddy-Current-Standard-Test-Block-Duplextest DAC GSET Eddy Current Standard Test Block (Duplex)-ET

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DAC GSET Eddy Current Standard Test Block (Duplex)

Price: $0.00
  • Part Number : NDETECH-7064
  • Availability : In Stock


DAC GSET Eddy Current Standard Test Block (Duplex)

Geometry: Overall dimensions: .250/.625" thick x 2.000" wide x 6.375" long
bare Contains: (2) fastener holes, (11) EDM notches, (1) end with a .250" radius
Part No: AL.01
Manufactured IAW McDonnell Douglas NDT Manual 06-20-01, Pages F1 to F3, Figure 1.

Reference Standard DAC GSET AL.01 from McDonnell Douglas NDT Manual 06-20-01.

Material: Duplex